[ Updated: Tuesday with New Count of 21 Bills Pending, as of April 7, 2015 ]
Monday, March 16, 2015 - Sacramento: We just checked the legislative information website to check up on how many California State Bills (Laws) on Cannabis or Marijuana there were today and discovered there are nowEighteen (18) TWENTY-ONE ( 21 ) Bills pending for the 2015 - 2016 Session.
Monday, March 16, 2015 - Sacramento: We just checked the legislative information website to check up on how many California State Bills (Laws) on Cannabis or Marijuana there were today and discovered there are now
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18 Cannabis Bills Pending CA Legislature |
Some seek to overturn or gut out the laws Written and Passed by The People, Create Monopolies and Destroy Your Right To Assemble in Groups, Share Cannabis or have community collectives, et cetera or obtain Cannabis for free or at lowest cost possible.
These are hostile corporate takeovers of Your Natural Human Rights disguised as good or money making or tax making laws.
These are hostile corporate takeovers of Your Natural Human Rights disguised as good or money making or tax making laws.
It's funny because we came across tons of new groups on Seen.Is and UnSeen.Is that have researched and discussed it all and have watched the money grubbers from New York and London City CREEP into and tread upon our natural human rights to access cannabis and hemp freely, as we've been doing for over 10,000 years with no great harm or risk to the public, at all.
On Seen.is ( a no-spy, no data collection, minimal ad social network site for a more seriously focussed and proactive network than Facebook or others we've seen, to date) :
** There's more than 570 Items about Cannabis Prohibition now, here:
** There's 7 Blog Entires on Cannabis Prohibition, here:
** And there's a whopping 774 Items on Cannabis Patients, here:
** Here's a New Blog for The San Franciscan and All Cannabis Patients, here:
** And here's the New Home for The SF Cannabis Patients' Group, here on Seen.is :
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Voting Block 10,000 NorCal Patients |
And Finally, after seeing the elite write bad laws that kill our natural rights and our long time local collectives, we formed a Voting Block Group called 10,000 Cannabis Patients from Northern California, here on Seen.is :
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Alliance To End Prohibition on Seen.is No-Spy Network |
And another Group called Alliance To End Prohibition, here:
Yet, the most corrupted Titans of Oil, Liquor, Pharma, Police Agencies, Judges, Courts, Prison Builders, Petro-Chemical Makers ALL INVENTED THE CANNABIS FRAUD IN THE FIRST PLACE. Their Familes, Offspring and Associates in Crime now want you to vote in New State Laws to enrich them, at your expense and at the expense of generations of safe personal and group useage, in medical, social, political and collective groups you freely belong to.
The Elite want you to all be consumers of their cannabis products, at their prices and ever increasing costs to you, for their enrichment. While also making megaprofits from all that harms us, that they already do (fracking) or produce (liquors, toxins, poisons, pharma) that harms and kills us, every day. Enough is enough, isn't it ?
The Elite want you to all be consumers of their cannabis products, at their prices and ever increasing costs to you, for their enrichment. While also making megaprofits from all that harms us, that they already do (fracking) or produce (liquors, toxins, poisons, pharma) that harms and kills us, every day. Enough is enough, isn't it ?
They were Using Prohibition & Drug War Frauds and while you all were on narcotics or liquor, they have arrested or incarcerated about 25% of All Adults for the past 80+ years.
Had their frauds been prosecuted before now, tens of millions of otherwise lawabiding, harmless residents would never have been targeted, demonized, beaten down, harassed, arrested, incarcerated and loss their homes, families, cars and personal wealth since 1934.
The Elite who now write 'new' state laws in their vain and greedy attempts to maintain total control and power and most of the benefits of cannabis and hemp for their New Monopolies, agencies, taxing authorities and 'marijuana police'. WHY ?
Why does anyone who is not abusing drugs or alcohol think it's okay to trust any state or federal government with anything to do with the long time, private affairs of adults and groups and collectives ?
Why pass more laws to allow them to do as they wish with cannabis because there is no legitimate authority, need or police power that can be claimed over your absolute right to use any safe plants from nature for any good purpose ?
82% ARE FOR POSSESSION. This means men and women in power are using bad law to cause harm and injury to Millions Of Us Every Year, who have caused no wrong, posed no great threat to public safety.
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https://www.drugwarfacts.org/cms/Marijuana#Total |
Their only 'crime' was using a relatively safe and well known common plant for a good purpose. No harm to humans or one's self but it's common useage by all our people -- only threatens The Mega Profits of the elite.
The Elite who want most of you to stay hooked on their poisonous liquors, narcotics and big pharma medicine, until THEY can con you all into passing more laws to give them more power, profits and controls over YOUR PRIVATE & COMMUNITY CANNABIS RIGHTS that existed long before they lied to us and imprisoned us without any just cause.
They already BILL HEALTH CARE for like $900 a month for monster pills that only cost us $25 a month a decade or two ago. Seven out of Ten Americans are on Big Pharma Drugs Already.
Their Costs in their For Profit health care and insurance systems have GONE DOWN over decades but hell, with unjust, criminal, Forced Obamacare they now charge 1,000% or more for pills each month, that in many cases causes thoughts of suicide, violence, anger, sleep walking with or without staying up late to watch the murder, child abuse, mayhem and serial criminals on ION Television.
If they can, as it did in Colorado, they'll push cannabis you can grow for free up to more than $500 per ounce and make state and federal forced care systems, charge taxpayers for it all. This all enables the elite to steal all your local cash flows and taxes for their other privatization schemes, voucher schools, importation of more foreign workers and plundering of our towns from coast to coast.
We must strike down all laws that do not go to truly Protecting Public Safety.
Then we can focus all our collective energies and efforts towards targeting all man made, for megaprofit products (oil, toxins, pharma drugs that kill, liquor), practices (fracking, offshore - deepwater drilling, chemtrails, bio-weather engineering, privatization, hoarding of water for corporate resell), instead.
The Elite's for profit 'stuff' (like putting 10,000 underpaid, underinsured, amateurs drivers into the most densely packed, pedestrian residential areas in the world) greatly harms us and injures and kills us, every day.
Let's STOP wasting time on the private business of adults and communities to engage cannabis and hemp so that ALL STATE LEGISLATORS & CONGRESS MEMBERS can stop messing around for megaprofits.
And start to help us all to reduce, control, tax and profit if they choose priorities more wisely. By focussing only on those issues, people, corporations and products that ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAT ARE IN FACT, LIFE AND DEATH ISSUES FOR OUR PEOPLE AND PLANET.
After members of the San Francisco Cannabis Patients' Union and other leaders and members of collectives, dispensaries (at cost type) and all kinds of patient groups went to Sacramento last year, to ask questions about the rights of patients and humans to access plants without government or corporate permission, registration, taxes, fines and fees -- we revisited the entire 'cannabis and hemp' history since 1934.
We took our research to our respective hubs, networks, groups and peers. Once they saw the grand difference between 'Legalization' (passing more laws that drive up costs and enrich the elite & state) versus 'Ending Prohibition' (which returns all powers, rights, benefits to individual adults and local communities, period.) they started to think the entire affair out from start to finish.
Nearly all of us are in Unified Agreement. We want government and corporations to have nothing to do with our pre-existing natural human rights to cannabis and hemp, as it has been for over 10,000+ years, except for the time periods when these criminals lied to us and misused police powers, courts and the media.
They misused every power and permission to rule we gave them -- to destroy the lives of over 50 million of us, not to protect or reduce harm or save a life. No, that is why we use cannabis in the first place, to reduce the harms caused by the elite's man made crap.
No, children of the earth. These elite used powers and made up lies and spent billions in tax dollars to push you away from cannabis and onto their liquor, pharma drugs and into their mega profit tax, steal land and prison building systems for generations.
They deserve no trust and no benefits that burden our personal and group non-commercial use of cannabis and hemp. We have all woken up and seen the light.
There is no going back now.
That is what we want to say to all of our legislators and what we now want them to do instead of wasting time on more state law fraud schemes for the elite:
Leave cannabis alone because last time we trusted you -- you mad fortunes by violating our human rights and you paid thugs with guns and badges to beat us, steal our homes and put us in prison before, for 80+ years and we can never trust you again with already safe cannabis.
The collective, accumulative record of conduct and behavior of the Elite 400+ Families who run all these destructive, for profit industries spent billions of tax dollars to destroy the lives of over 50 million americans is very clear to us all now. We have public, private, personal and government records, patents, archives and testimony to prove it all.
For generations you all lied, lied, lied to us, while you all planned, patented and banked on the day you all could switch over to become our new Cannabis Kings and Hemp Lords. BASTA! Your plans for our hemp and cannabis suck!
We are paying YOU in legislatures, governor's and mayor's offices to PROTECT US ALL FROM MAN MADE CRAP THAT IMPOVERISHES US, HARMS US AND KILLS US by the order and funding of the elite. Is that Clear ?
Study the 18 Pending Bills NOW. As we may need Letters of Opposition written, as soon as possible, by all who value human rights and your right to access all nature's plants without government or corporate frauds, burdens, taxes or interference, once and for all:
Link To All Known Cannabis or Marijuana Bills Pending in California State Legislature:
LINKED TO ARTICLES POSTED HERE: https://sfawareness.blogspot.com/2015/02/bad-state-cannabis-laws-fund-elite.html
AND HERE: MCLR 2016 Press Release Dated March 2015 - https://sfawareness.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_11.html