SFAwareness's Polls on Seen.Is - New Poll: Mar 14, 2015 - Damages for Cannabis Prohibition Fraud Since 1934:
Do You Support Reparations for Damages From The U.S. & State Governments & The Industries (Liquor, Pharma, Oil, Petro-Chemical, Banksters) for 80+ Years of Prohibition, Drug War Frauds ?
Grand Frauds causing over 50 Million harmless Americans to Lose Their Home, Families & Freedoms to enrich The Elite, under corrupt abuse of law, power and trust ?
1. Yes. I want damages for all Cannabis Prisoners & Taxpayers
2. No. I want to pass new laws to create Monopolies.
3. Yes, I want damages and Jail Time for the Traitors.
4. No. I forgive the Elite for 80+ Years of Fraud and Abuse of Power.
* CLICK HERE * TO TAKE THE POLL: https://www.seen.is/polls/view/616/damages-for-cannabis-prohibition-fraud-since-1934
1. Alliance To End Prohibition of Cannabis: https://www.seen.is/group/7409
2. Search on Seen.Is for Cannabis Prohibition related Groups (20, so far) :
3. Search on Seen.Is for EVERYTHING Cannabis Prohibition ( 568 Items ! ):
4. NORML - By the way, they were an early adopter to Seen.Is : https://www.seen.is/group/581
5. Our San Francisco Cannabis Patients' Union: https://www.seen.is/group/4423
6. 10,000 Cannabis Patients From Northern California (Voting Block to Protect All Adult's Right to freely access cannabis & hemp, for free or at lowest cost possible, no burdens by government or state that does not save lives or reduce harm. Human Rights, Natural Rights to access all safe plants belongs to ourselves and our local communities, first and foremost, period. Not more state law frauds that enrich the elite and enable monopolies and agency building and things that drive up costs and deny or reduce access for all ):
7. Search for EVERYTHING Medical Cannabis on Seen.Is (1,286 Items !) :
8. Cannabis Patients' Alerts - Corrupted State Law Makers trying to take over all things cannabis and DESTROY or burden adults, families, collectives and others who have an absolute pre-existing natural rights to access and grow and SHARE cannabis freely, at lowest cost possible, no matter what the elite wish to do, beyond that. Our common rights must be set firmly, and our people compensated BEFORE the elite move on to more frauds and megaprofits on top of nature's gifts to ALL OF US, NOT SOME OF US:
Article on latest 17 Cannabis Related Bills in California State Legislature RIGHT NOW! Last Month 8 Bills, now there's 17 (or more by the time you read this):
#END# #EndProhibition #sfawareness
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San Francisco Cannabis Patients' Union on Seen.Is Now |
Do You Support Reparations for Damages From The U.S. & State Governments & The Industries (Liquor, Pharma, Oil, Petro-Chemical, Banksters) for 80+ Years of Prohibition, Drug War Frauds ?
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New Cannabis Reparations Poll on Seen.Is Social Net. |
1. Yes. I want damages for all Cannabis Prisoners & Taxpayers
2. No. I want to pass new laws to create Monopolies.
3. Yes, I want damages and Jail Time for the Traitors.
4. No. I forgive the Elite for 80+ Years of Fraud and Abuse of Power.
* CLICK HERE * TO TAKE THE POLL: https://www.seen.is/polls/view/616/damages-for-cannabis-prohibition-fraud-since-1934
1. Alliance To End Prohibition of Cannabis: https://www.seen.is/group/7409
2. Search on Seen.Is for Cannabis Prohibition related Groups (20, so far) :
3. Search on Seen.Is for EVERYTHING Cannabis Prohibition ( 568 Items ! ):
4. NORML - By the way, they were an early adopter to Seen.Is : https://www.seen.is/group/581
5. Our San Francisco Cannabis Patients' Union: https://www.seen.is/group/4423
6. 10,000 Cannabis Patients From Northern California (Voting Block to Protect All Adult's Right to freely access cannabis & hemp, for free or at lowest cost possible, no burdens by government or state that does not save lives or reduce harm. Human Rights, Natural Rights to access all safe plants belongs to ourselves and our local communities, first and foremost, period. Not more state law frauds that enrich the elite and enable monopolies and agency building and things that drive up costs and deny or reduce access for all ):
7. Search for EVERYTHING Medical Cannabis on Seen.Is (1,286 Items !) :
8. Cannabis Patients' Alerts - Corrupted State Law Makers trying to take over all things cannabis and DESTROY or burden adults, families, collectives and others who have an absolute pre-existing natural rights to access and grow and SHARE cannabis freely, at lowest cost possible, no matter what the elite wish to do, beyond that. Our common rights must be set firmly, and our people compensated BEFORE the elite move on to more frauds and megaprofits on top of nature's gifts to ALL OF US, NOT SOME OF US:
Article on latest 17 Cannabis Related Bills in California State Legislature RIGHT NOW! Last Month 8 Bills, now there's 17 (or more by the time you read this):
#END# #EndProhibition #sfawareness
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