Tuesday, April 21, 2015

4 20 Day In San Francisco Reality Check - We Stopped Cleaning Because Police Rushed In Prematurely

Glorious 4/20 Day in San Francisco.   Because of the work done over the past 80+ years of folks who put freedom, lives and natural human rights ABOVE man made poisons, bad laws and toxic industries that kill.     For 10,000+ Years humans (and some animals) and nature have enjoyed many benfefits of cannabis and hemp without causing any great harm or death to any one.

     In fact, the only ones harmed by the frauds of Prohibition and Drug Wars has been about 50 Million Americans who lost their homes, families and freedoms over cannabis.

   But, that was only 'because of the unjust laws' (not their own harmless conduct) that were  passed to favor the Corporate King Families of Big Oil, Liquor, Pharma, Privatization, Prison Building and Huge Law Enforcement Agencies and Departments -- all working together to destroy the lives of anyone who doesn't give up cannabis and hemp for Prozac, Jack Daniels, Heroin, Nylon and premature death by mass media induced suicide.    One of the longest running and most expensive (in terms of money and lives and time lost) in the history of our nation.  

   If I could choose between a cop holding a gun on me at a rally who smoked a joint versus one who just polished off his last hit of crack or gin bottle for the day....  I'll take the pot head cop over the totally out of control, nervous system fried Alcohol or Narcotic Cop any day.

   This is about reality.    Our legal team finally made it down to 4/20 at Golden Gate late in the day and what we saw looked fine.    Tons of people leaving.... who had been there all weekend and it was easier to find other peers as the afternoon went onward to the eve.

   There were a few quick outbreaking fights between mostly young folks (drinking alcohol) and that caused folks to have to pick up and run fast to avoid being mobbed by the fight or the onlookers.   Then after those minor disturbances went by, many of us were still saying hello to folks we had not seen in months or years and lots of individuals, couples and families were cruising around picking up trash and piling it up as best they could.

   If the city, knowing almost exact volumes of average trash left by previous years' 4/20 had put out enough trash bins,   the cost of cleanup would have been dropped significantly and reduced the negative 'trash' bias local mass media pawns are regurgitating with the usual whiners....  but, folks were doing as best they could given their relaxed states of mind.

  Then, from our perspective right at Hippie Hill, we saw several ATV Riders with uniforms (all uniformed officers look threatening to the masses while they are in social settings, relaxing and see them come up all of a sudden) coming into the area from the east and we could see 'waves' of people in the dense masses 'reacting' to their sudden presence. It was like they came to push, control or exert some force or authority long before everyone was finished meeting, greeting, partying, packing out and cleaning up their affairs of the day.

  Then, someone, likely suffering PTSD from past encounter with uniformed officers (as in being beaten for no just cause by bad, violent ones in SFPD, for example) and likely having been drinking threw the bottle that hit one of the uniformed people that triggered a 2nd wave of uniformed ATV Riders (SFPD suited up this time) to storm in... and saw police movements all around the perimeters which caused most folks to feel bad, stop their partying, socializing and cleaning and take off before being potentially harassed or harmed by the premature, overwhelmingly expensive police.

   We all noted that had we all been left alone for the eve, most of the trash would have been taken out or stacked around the few trash bins that were put out and droves of recyclers, ground scorers (if you don't know what tens of thousands of folks in cities do every day, we can't help you...), volunteers and partiers would have had all night and the early morning to make most of it disappear, right before everyone's stoned eyes... because when we are given sufficient resources (i.g. trash cans, bins, portable bathrooms) we use them and use them well because we have pride and love our city.

    But, what a double edged sword. When the city fails to provide us with resources or tries to control or end our free willed partying, celebrating and socializing according to their will and agendas (prematurely),  then the mass media and whiners get busy to make it all seem like the fault of The People.   Which its not.

   Short-sided control freaks who are out of control and jump the gun and make mountains out of mole hills (for personal and group gains...) are THE PROBLEM.   Like the folks trying to KILL OUR GOLDEN GATE AND THE HAIGHT by stealing the MUNI 21 Bus Line.

Look at the Big Picture Folks. Sit-Lie, Gentrification, Privatized Upscale Buses all go to DESTROYING OUR CITY so banksters and east coasters can remodel it into their choke and die business models of New York and other commercialized to death metro areas.

They want their petro-chemical, hand held devices, machines, corporate cultures and material objects to take the place of our human cultures and natural rights and constitutional rights to live freely not as subjects of tyrants and mad men.


From The Moderators of the San Francisco Cannabis Patients' Union


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